Morning after Pill

Need The Morning After Pill?

Need The Morning After Pill? Check This Out

If you need the morning after pill, there’s all different kinds of methods you can do to prevent a pregnancy.  A morning after pill is an emergency contraceptive. If you use it as soon as possible after unprotected sex, it can reduce your chances of getting pregnant by 75-89%. The best option is to always use protection.  Whether you made a mistake by not using protection while you were out partying or casually enjoying time with your partner; don’t make it worse by stressing. Instead, take the morning after pill as soon as possible, and set your mind at ease. 

Many women in the UK and Ireland take the morning after pill as a plan b option to avoid unplanned pregnancies. It’s not a subject many are happy to have to discuss with their family doctor or GP, particularly if they’re young. You are able to purchase these medications from our online clinic with absolute confidence. If you are looking to buy emergency contraception, then complete a quick questionnaire and checkout.

What is a morning after pill?

A common question in our online clinic is what is a morning after pill? In this blog we will explain to you what it is, how it works, and the range of products available from our online clinic here at Click2Pharmacy.

Sometimes referred to as plan B in terms of preventing a pregnancy the emergency contraception is used if plan A (use of condoms) has failed or is not used. In most cases the morning after pill is used as a last resort to help prevent an unplanned pregnancy. There are two types of the morning after pill available Levonelle and Ellaone, the choice of which one to use will depend on specific patient characteristics and when sexual intercourse occurred, which will help us to determine which one will suit you best.

We can supply you with the emergency contraception in a discrete way ensuring no face-to-face contact and send it out to you in discrete packaging ensuring full confidentiality

What does the morning after pill do?

Another popular question we receive in our online clinic is what does the morning after pill do? People sometimes get confused and mistake the morning after pill with their long-term contraceptive pills, however they are very different. It is used to prevent an unplanned pregnancy if taken correctly after unprotected sex and so should only be taken in these circumstances.

Morning after pill, how it works?

Many ask regarding the morning after pill; how it works? Well, the answer is by delaying or stopping ovulation by not allowing the egg to be released from the ovary. This in turn reduces the chances of becoming pregnant substantially. It does not cause an abortion and in some instances, it also prevents the sperm and egg meeting by thickening cervical mucus. The pill does not affect an existing pregnancy.

Types of morning after pills available to you through our online clinic

Levonelle 1500

  • Levonelle 1500 is licensed to be taken by women who are 16 years of age or over
  • You should take it inside 72 hours of unprotected sex
  • You should take one tablet straight away
  • If you vomit within 3 hours, another tablet should be taken immediately
  • You are allowed to tale Levonelle 1500 at any point in your menstrual cycle
  • If appropriate, women can take more than one dose within the same menstrual cycle, but should be advised about possible cycle disruption
  • Common side effects nausea, vomiting and menstrual changes
  • Should NOT be taken during pregnancy
  • Can be taken if breast feeding but best to take straight after a feed

Advice to patient after taking Levonelle

  • If vomiting occurs within 3 hours, a replacement dose is required
  • Carry on taking your regular oral contraceptives
  • Your subsequent period maybe early or late
  • If your period is late by 5+ days, take a pregnancy test
  • If your period is light, absent or heavy a pregnancy test should be done at least 3 weeks after unprotected sex
  • Seek medical attention promptly if any lower abdominal pain occurs, as this could signify an ectopic pregnancy


  • Ellaone is licensed for use in women of childbearing age
  • You should take it within 120 hours (5 days) of unprotected sex or failure of a contraceptive method
  • One tablet is to be taken as soon as physically possible
  • If vomiting occurs inside 3 hrs take another tablet ASAP
  • You can have it with or without food
  • Can be taken at any point in the menstrual cycle
  • Constant use as an emergency contraceptive within a menstrual cycle is contraindicated
  • Common side effects nausea, vomiting menstrual changes
  • Should NOT be taken by asthmatics
  • Should not be taken in pregnancy
  • Do not breastfeed for one week after taking Ellaone but keep discarding milk from breast

Advice to patient taking Ellaone

  • If vomiting occurs within 3 hours, a replacement dose is required
  • Can be used with regular contraceptives BUT can reduce the efficacy of combined oral contraceptive and progestogen only contraceptive
  • Therefore, oral contraceptives shouldn’t be re-started for 5 days after, and patients should be advised to use a condom for the time being
  • Following period may be late or early
  • If period is postponed by additional than 5 days, a pregnancy test should be carried out
  • If your period is light, absent or heavy a pregnancy test should be done at least 3 weeks after unprotected sex
  • Medical attention should be sought urgently if any lower abdominal pain occurs

Does plan b protect against STDs?

Many of you raise the question does plan b protect against STDs? First of all, plan b refers to the use of the morning after pill after plan A (use of condoms) has not been effective. It does not provide protection against STDs so it is very important that you undertake chlamydia tests 3 weeks after unprotected sex. Therefore, we advise that plan A contraception is used by using condoms correctly, there is a variety available from our online clinic as well./*! elementor – v3.19.0 – 26-02-2024 */&lt;br /><br>.elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=”.svg”]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block}

How to get the morning after pill from our online clinic?

If you are looking to buy emergency contraception, then you can complete a quick questionnaire and checkout here on in our online clinic. We can supply you with the pill in a discrete way ensuring no face-to-face contact and send it out to you in discrete packaging ensuring full confidentiality thus removing any hint of embarrassment, not that you have anything to be embarrassed about in the first place.  The pill will arrive at your house the next day provided your order is placed before 4pm via guaranteed next day delivery.


How much is the morning after pill?

We are often asked how much is the morning after pill? Depending on the brand, the price in our online clinic ranges from £12.99 to £23.99. You can also buy it in advance and multiple amounts which can make the price cheaper

Is the morning after pill free?

You can get an emergency contraception pill (morning after pill) without a prescription from your doctor or from sexual health clinics. Although the answer to is the morning after pill free is yes from GP practices often it is difficult to get an appointment and many patients feel embarrassed. We can supply this medication efficiently and discreetly

Learn more from the NHS Website

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